CHERISH, Cultivate, and Contribute

As we fall deeper into this wonderful season of gratitude, I’d like to take the opportunity and share what’s been on my mind and in my heart. Since my birth month (August) this year, I have been contemplating with my life’s purpose. Of all things, WHY THAT now suddenly? It may be simply a phase of reflection, and I needed to reprocess my goals in life… There had been some sleepless nights when my mind just won’t stop churning and planning or just ruminating.

There were not a lot of WHY questions but rather HOW questions: “How did I get to this stage in life and still feel _blank_?” “How do I feel about where I am compared to where I need to be?” “How lost am I?” “How present have I been?” “How happy am I exactly?” A lot of these questions revolve around whether I am content with the presence. So, this past month, I decided to re-look at my mission statements and modify them to fit this stage of life that I’m in…

While it may be hard to imagine, by the time the mind sees it, the heart has already felt it. The body always keeps the score! As loud an introvert as I am when it comes to sharing, it would really bother me if I don’t admit that caring can be quite painful at times—whether as a healthcare practitioner, family member, partner, colleague, or friend—caring deeply can also hurt deeply. This loud introvert that you as my reader come to know has a heart that cares more than she can handle at times. Part of maturing is learning to create healthy boundaries, which is still a work-in-progress for me. If I ask myself simply: “Do I love who I am and what I offer to this big little world?” The answer is a resounding “YES and YES!” However, sometimes I still question what am I capable of and what exactly do I offer to my community at large? Therefore, it’s time to share what I officially came up with at this stage in my life.

My Personal Missions in Life:

  • Cherish kindhearted CONNECTIONS
  • Cultivate compassionate GROWTH
  • Contribute meaningfully to MEDICAL SCIENCE & SOCIETY

Finally, I’d like to end with a quote from a book I’m currently reading; it’s about healing from trauma. It sums up how my first mission statement evolves overtime… We need to not cherish just ANY connections, but the ones that count! Not only is that important for healing of the body, but also healing of the mind and the heart. I’m grateful to recognize this and truly thankful to maintain high quality connections!

“If we’re lucky in our relationships, we also feel nourished, supported, and restored as we look into the face and eyes of the other.”
~Bessel van der Kolk Author of “The Body Keeps the Score”

Stay tune for the next 2 mission statements to be further discussed next month! 🙂