
The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.
~ Simply put by the amazing William James

How to Stress Less

These are my simple rules for reducing stress…

  • Remember the BREATH, because breathing is the oldest form of meditation
  • Visualize yourself STRESS-FREE from moment to moment
  • Be GENTLE with yourself and PROUD of your personal improvement
  • Find ENJOYABLE healthy habits to last a lifetime


1. Apply Nhi’s original DESSERTS techniques when feeling stressed; spell it backwards:

  • Deeply breathe
  • Exercise consistently
  • Sleep soundly
  • Surround yourself with supporters
  • Eat the foods that love you and your body back
  • Relax mindfully in nature
  • Try something new
  • Share your stories and your laughter

2. Transform the state of being compressed to a state of being released to go with the flow

3. Seek abundance of resources to turn the frown upside down


Recommended Websites:




YouTube Videos

Ted Talk: "The gift and power of emotional courage" by Psychologist Susan David

IFM: Dr. Mylene Huynh Shares Practical Tips for Stress Management

Coursera FREE course: The Science of Well-Being by Dr. Laurie Santos

Stress Release Meditation with Emily Fletcher by Mindvalley (15 Minutes)

Course: Overcoming Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Grief with Daniel G. Amen, MD