Rewrite Your Story

“We are all unreliable narrators of our own lives.”

~Lori Gottlieb

We emphasize what we want and our WHY. Stories are the way we make sense of our lives. Our circumstances do NOT write our stories. We can change our stories. Part of getting to KNOW ourselves is to UNKNOW ourselves! “To let go of the one version of the story”!

We get to choose HOW our story is written while we’re still alive and not waiting on our Obituary to be written on our behalf. We get to choose what goes on the pages that live in our minds and shape our realities.

All of us have hurt someone (and/or ourselves), and all of us have been hurt by someone (even our own loved ones). Since all human beings suffer, turning toward my own suffering turns me toward all of humanity’s. When I get to release through my writings, I do see my own wounds, along with the guilt and shame that accompany them, and this gives me the courage to see others’ pain as well. Therefore, I want to create a safe community to SHARE the BEAUTIFUL MINDS and STORIES of the collective Introverts out there!

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