The Journey is the Reward

We must allow ourselves to use timeless wisdom to apply to modern-day situations. There is the best of times and there is the worst of times. However, joy is always in the journey, am I correct? And sometimes the optimism in me may hurt my soul more than it can save it. Surely, any of us could say we’ve been there… we’ve had to start from scratch, work our way up the ladder, keep proving ourselves, play nice, cross the right bridges, get right back up when we fall or fail… The lessons that we learn from bearing through “the brunt work” are invaluable. For me, the lessons thus far have molded me into a better version of myself over the years. They taught me to gain confidence in my own voice, use wisdom to problem-solve, appreciate humility, respect the process, have trust in the journey, and find camaraderie to share with.

Harriet Goldhor Lerner quoted:

“Only through our connectedness to others can we really know and enhance the self. And only through working on the self can we begin to enhance our connectedness to others.”

The people who are meant to be in our lives will always gravitate back towards us; no matter how far they wander… Similarly, the people who are only meant to come into our space, for a reason or for a season, won’t stick around for a lifetime. As time goes by, everyday of my life, sometimes I feel truest to myself as I reflect on yesterday and the memories made with those who are meant to be a part of my journey for a lifetime. I am at peace with myself when I stop to reflect and simply feel at ease because they are a big part of my rewards on this life-long journey.

Fatal conveniences or aka quick fixes can be detrimental to our health and well-being. Furthermore, being too selfless can come with a price also. I, too, am guilty of these behaviors. Not only had I fallen into the traps of repeating the patterns of overworking and under-caring for my own well-being a couple years ago, I also overwhelmed my own state of mind. Without putting myself first, I failed to recognize when I was being manipulated, whether at work or in past relationships, leading to autoimmune flares where my body started talking directly to me and attacking itself! This post is a sequel to my August 2023 ( post; in case you’d like to read for context. I know I still have hope and I know that it is all part of my journey in this big little world; a journey to find a vision for myself purposefully, and to reveal the answers to my own curiosities.

We all see the world through our own mind’s eyes. The reality may be exhausting at times, but challenges must be faced sooner or later and best faced with complete confidence and kindness. The world can change with one listener at a time; in order to L-I-S-T-E-N, one must stay S-I-L-E-N-T (notice the letters are rearranged to spell out both words). From listening or speaking, oftentimes I forget to listen to my own self… from wishes vs. ideas, to wants vs. needs, to complaints vs. appreciation. I told myself, someday I will have a forum to share, like this Resource Blog, and to tell my own story about the realization of self-reflection and self-listening. Finally, I will know my potentials vs. weaknesses and what I want to overcome or have already surpassed. My time is evolving and the learning is still on-going, which all contributes to my growth and maturity as a better person and a better listener as my journey goes on; these are truly the rewards. 🙂