To the Beat of My Heart

I recently returned from an inspirational Conference with the National Health Association, and again, whole-heartedly empowered. We all celebrated NHA’s 75th Anniversary this year! It was truly a one-of-a-kind experience as NHA always feature top leaders in the plant-based movement, like Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Alan Goldhamer, Dr. Stephan Esser, Dr. Frank Sabatino, John Pierre, and more. As an in-person attendee, I relived the experience of a 100% whole-food, S-O-S-free (no added Salt-Oil-Sugar) plant-exclusive meals like I did when I interned at TrueNorth Health Center in 2017. I felt like I was immersed in another purifying experience within just a few days… It reignited the fire in me to keep sharing truthful information and spreading the message of a heart-healthy lifestyle!

At the end of the day, we only live for as long as our heart beats, and with every beat, we either pump nutrients to detoxify our bodies or build up plaques to intoxicate our vessels. That is exactly what’s happening with every bite of our food! If we want to add vital life to our years rather than unhealthy years to our lives, then we must first commit to a plant-powered decision at the level of our forks (or chopsticks for some of us). Heart disease still remains the #1 killer out of all diseases and we are all at risk based on WHAT and HOW we eat as our hearts beat. The power remains in our hands—what we choose to bring home from the grocery stores, what we keep in our pantries, what we cook with and how we stay sustainable on a plant-strong lifestyle—as someone once said, “If it’s in your house, it’s in your mouth!”

To be successful on a whole-food, plant-predominant journey, we must first define our goals and set ourselves up for success. Think: lights, camera, action; but in our case: tools, supplies, mindset! Having a supportive partner in the household is always the best case scenario. Connect with the right community of health-promoting individuals who are not only supportive but also practical is super important! We need to stay in the rhythm of health, together, like how our hearts beat to a rhythm. I am not perfect and have fallen off track with my nutrition goals off and on since 2017. However, I know the right path to get back on track that is science-backed and evident-based, and I will keep trying to stay on the right track for as long as my heart beats!