Be a Humble Realist

Let’s talk about Imposter Syndrome this month… can this be seen positively as a motivator rather than something to be ashamed of?!

“A Humble Realist” = a better term to talk about ourselves when we feel like an imposter.

Women or men, alike, can feel like an imposter from time to time, whether in a healthcare setting or not. I feel this way throughout various phases of my training and career so far. And as an introvert, I’d like to talk about it further here in this Blog. First… questions to ponder on: Do more introverts tend to experience Imposter Syndrome? Or just the masked introverts who display more extraversion qualities feel that way?

Whenever we are not true to ourselves, we are automatically an imposter to our own virtues. If this statement is true, then why would we even choose to be anything but simply truthful to ourselves?! Instead of negatively labeling “me, myself, and I” as an imposter, why not just say “I’m a humble realist”. We can’t be held responsible for keeping up with reality vs. fantasy at the same time. It’s simply a natural phase of life that we each go through no matter which field we pursue…

Some of us struggle in this “humble realist” phase slightly longer than others, while some of us just glide on through! I believe I can tell the difference amongst my fellow introverts who are the draggers vs. the gliders. I also think we restart this process in almost every new setting we go into… So at the end of the day, those who care LESS about what others think, will go through this phase much faster, than those who care MORE about what others think. The rest, you and I can guess. That’s just the reality of this entirely made-up “syndrome”!